We Know Healthcare

Better solution for healthcare set-up

We are experts in Healthcare Set up

Lucid Healthcare provide high-quality, cost-effective health care services.

  • We achieved the highest standard in healthcare service sector by ensuring high quality professional medical care with dedicated, caring and highly skilled healthcare personnel.
  • We established cohesion in medical services by complementing hospital care with provision of continued clinical and supportive care to the patients after their discharge from hospital.

Lucid health care has all the characteristics of a world-class health care with wide range of services and specialists, equipments and technology, ambience and service quality.


Lucid health care is consultation firm for health set up

We do construction
We do architectural drawing
We provide lab and med instruments with SVC
We provide doctors, pathologist and technicians
We provide soft support
We provide marketing plan
We take responsibility for official documentation and permission

Message From Chairman

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
It gives me immense pleasure to reach you through our profile. Lucid Health Care is proud to be a part of the healthcare provider of the peoples of Bangladesh. We have an excellent team of progressive healthcare specialists and we continuously update our technology and services and improve the care we provide. Lucid Health Care was established with one main aim that is to provide the safest, highest quality health care to our patients. This is what we strive for each day and I hope that we have accomplished this in the past years. Moving ahead, Lucid Health Care is poised to continue to provide the highest level of quality to all individuals that walk through our doors. In order to sustain this commitment to you, we have innovative plans in place that will help us ensure this type of care will continue and improve, well into the future. We are excited about the future of Gulshan Clinic and the positive impact it will have on the health and well-being of our patients we serve for many years to come. I would like to thank you for your significant support and dedication during the challenging times that we faced as the past few years have had a significant impact on all of us. The year ahead will bring its own challenges but I am sure by working together, keeping focussed on our priorities and by putting our patients first, we can realise our ambitions. These will certainly continue to be GCL’s priorities.

Md. Nurul Huda
Chairman,Lucid Health Care


Check our Team

Md. Nurul Huda( MN Huda) Managing Director
Neamutul Huda Director and head of operation and planning
Dr Md mahbubur Rahman PHD( USA) Biochemist and International fellow
Abul Kalam Azad Software and Technology
Redwan Mustafiz Software and Technology
Md Husne Jamil Salman MBA ( IBA ) Marketing Strategy and marketing plan
Sgt Sumit Barua Administration
Md. Naimul Haque Service Engineer/Biomedical Engineer
Monisha Mary Architect